Just a Foodie In KC

Life is too short to eat bad food!

Q39 December 31, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — krisesch @ 2:44 pm

So I will be the first to admit I am late to the party.  I live in Kansas City and I know BBQ is King,  but when I go out to eat typically BBQ is the last thing I would pick.   It seems like everyone in town has been raving about Q39, and on top of that my Foodie Friend has been insistent that I go there.  She has urged me to go there numerous times and has raved and  raved about it.  She might have been the Shark Tank contestant for the “Get Kristin to eat at Q39”  sales pitch.  Considering “meat” really is not her top food choice I knew she was serious!   When I looked at the website I quickly realized not only is  Rob Magee the King of BBQ competitions but he also attended the Culinary Institute of America.  Clearly this was not going to be some ordinary BBQ….he was a double foodie threat of success!

Word on the street is that this place currently  serving the best burger in town. (yes a BBQ joint)   As you know my other half would be happy if he personally tried every burger in the Kansas City Metro and beyond. (his cholesterol numbers might not be so happy)   So of course CHALLENGE  ACCEPTED!   They had three burgers on the menu but the one with the blue ribbon next to it that the world raves about is the Burnt End Burger.   The burgers are all made with ground brisket and are grilled over oak.   On top of this burger they placed sliced burnt ends and a jalapeno pickle slaw.  Now neither one of us happen to be huge slaw fans. On top of that I am a total wuss when it comes to heat and I avoid jalapeno like I avoid zombies chasing me.   However if you earn the title of Chef then we both believe we should try what you envisioned the flavors to be.   I am SO glad we did not remove the slaw from our burger.    All the flavors just went together like a symphony in my mouth.   The burger patty itself was so tender and it was served on a toasted Farm To Market Bun.   I will say it now….THIS IS THE BEST BURGER IN KANSAS CITY.  We even returned the following week to have it again.


For our other sandwich I went with what my Foodie Friend recommended.  The No Jackn’ Around which is pulled pork, jalapeno jack cheese and sauce grilled on Farm To Market Bread.  This was a menu item I would have never picked on my own because typically I don’t care for pulled pork. (or so I thought)   I have now been schooled!  I admit right now I clearly don’t know what I like and don’t like because this sandwich was from heaven.   The pulled pork was so tender it was like butter melting in my mouth.  The cheesy grilled goodness I honestly thought for a moment about licking the wood tray the sandwich was served on. Believe me the pic does not do it justice.


If you have not tried Q39 then you are crazy.  Go!  It is truly a BBQ game changer for Kansas City.  They are also going to be participating in Restaurant Week that is taking place this month.  Restaurant week is a great way to support a good cause and try something new.





überdine – Storytellers – “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” December 12, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — krisesch @ 12:56 am

We might be a little behind here in KC on some things, but luckily our culinary scene is really evolving. The idea of “Pop Up Dinners” is not a new thing to KC, but it is probably one not everyone might be entirely familiar with. We actually have a few people in the area that host these events and it is a fun a different way to sample a Chef’s creativity outside of the confines of their kitchen.

You don’t know where you are dining and many times you don’t know exactly what you are eating until very close prior to the event. This particular Pop Up event was hosted by Chef Joe Shirley who operates Uberdine. His pop up dinners typically involve a theme and the one we attended was called “Storytellers – The best thing I ever ate”. The event was held at The Roasterie in their Bean Hangar event space.

My foodie friend and I are pretty adventurous eaters however we both are not big fans of things like head cheese, hearts, sweet breads etc. I realize some people go nutso over things like these, but I just can’t do it. Now I will say I have tried all of the things mentioned above. I hear so many people say “oh I hate that” Then when I ask them if they have tried it they say no…..and this my friends drives me NUTS. In my world you cannot say you don’t like something until you try it. However I suggest trying it in the right place. For instance if you say “I hate sushi” and the first and only sushi you eat comes from the local grocery store…well I am certain you will probably continue to hate sushi for the rest of your life. I am not saying you have to try something, but you can’t just say you don’t like it until you do.

We totally lucked out on the menu. There were 14 courses I loved them all. My foodie friend while not a lover of one of the courses that involved a raw oyster still ate it, and she even survived! Each course was presented with someone telling a story about the best thing they ever ate. With the story for each course the Chef did his own interpretation of it. Food is a funny thing because many times the greatest meals you have are not only about the food. It might have been a combination of the food and the circumstance, or the person you shared it with. The stories shared about the food also brought with it the memories of when, where, or why it was consumed. For me that is what food is all about.

Now when it comes to events like this the one thing that will take your dining to the next level is your tablemates. There is nothing worse than being at communal tables with people that have the personality of paint cans. As you sit at a round table of 8 you are surrounded by strangers. If you are lucky by the end of the meal you will have made new friends. We lucked out and our table mates made the whole evening that much better. It was an amazing evening. To be quite honest I will put it in my top five nights out of 2014. Especially because it reminded me why I am so passionate about this city and the culinary opportunities it provides.

uber menu

uber 1
The first plate was actually four courses. The most interesting thing on this plate was the foie gras lollipop dusted with watermelon pop rocks. Along with that was some tuna tartare, caeser salad, and the best item on the plate the pastrami.
uber egg
Lobster, scrambled egg, crème fraiche, ricotta
uber shrimp
This plate had a few at the table terrified of the shrimp head. It had delicious mousse inside of it. This was some tuna and pork belly.
uber pasta
An egg is such an amazing thing. That egg when cut up enabled the yolk to become the sauce of the pasta. This might have been my favorite dish.
uber duck
Duck Breast: lavender, honey
Duck is one of those things that done right it will knock your socks off. Done wrong and you just want to quack. This was perfect.
uber kobe
This was SO good and so tender. The sauce had a hint of cinnamon.
uber pork
This was my least favorite but it was still good. The kiwi mustard sauce served with the pork and the crostini made all the flavors work together.
The tables least favorite but I LOVED it. The sweet oyster with that sauce, and the pop of the caviar. The lovely gentleman on my left even let me eat his. He missed out!
uber borscht
I hate beets…loathe, detest those little dirt donuts. Then came this borscht. Ok so maybe I like beets.
uber desert.
Buttermilk Panna Cotta and while this was good the one thing I did not get a picture of was amazing.

Please imagine in your head pumpkin, milk chocolate, cayenne, and pecan….it was great and I am not even on the pumpkin train the rest of the world is.



Upper Crust Pie Bakery December 5, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — krisesch @ 12:04 am

pie 1
It was my birthday and I wanted a birthday treat…I mean I deserved and wanted a birthday treat. (My justification skills are legendary) Luckily the day I decided that I was due this treat happened to be a Friday. On Friday’s in the basement at Pryde’s Old Westport, the Upper Crust Pie Bakery sets up shop. So in my heart of hearts I decided I wanted PIE!

Years ago I had a cousin who got married and instead of a wedding cake they had various pies. I have to tell you not only was it unique it was pretty spectacular. Everyone has cake why not eat pie! I think there should be a movement to have this happen at more weddings. Pie is nostalgic. Pie has so many flavors. Pie is just downright American.
pie 2
I like to bake but making the perfect pie crust for me is intimidating. It is one of those things that you either knock out of the park or it is just kind of there as a vehicle to help deliver the pie filling to your mouth. My foodie friend thinks pie crust is a snap but I guess my gift apparently is eating the pie and not making the pie. For great pie it needs a great crust and a great filling. They are the peanut butter and jelly of the pie world. There are a few great places to score pie here in Kansas City. Believe me when I say I have taken one for the team and sampled quite a few.

The original Upper Crust Pie Bakery is located in Old Overland Park. If you have not been to this area it is a fun place to shop and if you happen to be a foodie the fact that Penzey’s is on the same street is a win win situation. I must admit I rarely make it to the Overland Park area. Luck for me on Friday and Saturday I can score pie at Pryde’s Old Westport. Speaking of Pryde’s this is another great place to shop. It is not only locally owned but has been in business since 1968. The store is located in Westport and It is a treasure trove jam packed with everything you could think of for your kitchen and bar needs. In the basement of Pryde’s on Fridays and Saturdays the Upper Crust opens a pop up shop and sells the most delicious pies. Their motto is “Pie Fixes Everything”….why yes it does and who am I to argue with such wise words?

They have a great assortment of mini pies. I am sure in reality these pies are meant to be shared but in my mind I decided to think of it as a “personal pie”. This is what I like to call new math. Last time I checked there is no Pie Police so however big you think a slice of pie should be works for me.
pie 3

So many flavors to choose from but in the end I went with Bumbleberry and my other half went with French cream. I have to also mention they do some pretty spectacular tasting cookies as well.
pie 4


Overland Park
7943 Santa Fe
Overland Park, KS

115 Westport Rd.
Kansas City, MO
